World History & Geography


World History & Geography focuses on the concepts that underlie studying history and geography. Analyzing historical events across the world are used to develop an understanding of spatial patterns, change, perspectives, causation, and other critical skills in geography and history. Projects may include investigating the bubonic plague, predicting population growth issues, or comparing Imperialists governments to our current government.


Grade Level: High School

Course Description
World History & Geography focuses on the concepts that underlie studying history and geography. Analyzing historical events across the world are used to develop an understanding of spatial patterns, change, perspectives, causation, and other critical skills in geography and history. Projects may include investigating the bubonic plague, predicting population growth issues, or comparing Imperialists governments to our current government.

Course Prerequisites
None required

Course Materials / Resources
Resources include YouTube video access and assorted websites.

National Standards Source
National Council for Social Studies – C3 Framework

Additional information

Duration / Credit
