Accredited Diploma

Accredited high school diploma. accepted in the United States and international universities and colleges.
Transfer credit accepted.

Project-Based Learning

Prepares students for academic, personal, and career success. Students explore authentic, engaging and real-world problems in a collaborative environment.


WAY Online works worldwide allowing students to interact online with students from different countries.

Support 24/7

Full support of English native speaker certified teachers and mentors during your program.


Full Time Student

$3,600 Yearly ($300 Per Month)

  1. Engaging project based curriculum
  2. Support team of teachers, school leaders, and mentors
  3. Weekly interactive live instruction with certified teachers
  4. Access to supportive teachers via email, chat, and office hours
  5. Weekly contact with a learning mentor
  6. Access to student groups and communities
  7. Access to certified college advisor
  8. Access to college and career readiness curriculum, Xello
  9. Personalized student and parent onboarding
  10. Initial transfer credit review
  11. Accredited diploma upon graduation

Individual Courses

$450 Per half (0.5) Credit

  1. Choose from over 100 courses
  2. Engaging project based curriculum
  3. Access to supportive teachers via email, chat, and office hours
  4. Monthly progress reports and semester report cards
  5. Personalized student and parent onboarding
  6. Fully accredited courses
  7. Transcript provided each semester

Micro School

$360 - $400 per Month

  1. Certified teacher teaching cohort of no more than 10 students/ FTF online class time for no more than 3 hours/day
  2. 1-2 hours working independently on projects or connecting and working together with other students
  3. A certified highly trained teacher with No more than 10 students per class
  4. Students will have access to a highly qualified teacher in their independent time working on projects
  5. Teaching project Assistance online readily available, and class teacher also available for consultation



Fill in Enrollment Interest form

Apply to WAY Online by completing the online application form below. One of our representatives will get back to you regarding detailed personal information, necessary documents, and tuition payment.


Parent Orientation

Within 48 hours of completing the Enrollment Interest Form, the school staff will contact you to explain the enrollment process and answer any questions you may have. Parent Orientation to monitor their child's progress towards earning an American high school diploma.


Gain Access To Courses

After sending documents and paying tuition fees, within 48 hours students gain access to the courses, teachers, and learning platform to begin working at WAY Online.


Student Orientation

A mentor is assigned to the student and schedules a meeting to discuss courses, transcripts, learning platform, and English assessment opportunities.

Enrollment Interest Form

For more information about the program, fill out the form with your name, email and phone number and we will get back to you.