English 08


Reading, writing, speaking, and listening at an 8th grade proficiency level. In English Language Arts, students demonstrate the four aspects of language use: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students demonstrate these skills by completing projects focused on these skills or through cross curricular projects in other subjects areas.


Grade Level: Middle School

Course Description
Reading, writing, speaking, and listening at an 8th grade proficiency level. In English Language Arts, students demonstrate the four aspects of language use: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students demonstrate these skills by completing projects focused on these skills or through cross curricular projects in other subjects areas.

Course Prerequisites
English Language Arts 07

Course Materials / Resources
Resources include YouTube video access, and assorted websites. Students may need to locate some short stories, essays, poems and books through a local library or online purchase. There are links to electronic versions of most of these works in the projects.

National Standards Source
Common Core State Standards

Additional information

Duration / Credit
