Creative Writing


Creative Writing offers students the opportunity to develop and improve their technique and individual style in poetry, short story, drama, essays, and other forms of prose. The emphasis of the courses is on writing; however, students may study exemplary representations and authors to obtain a fuller appreciation of the form and craft.


Grade Level: High School

Course Description
Creative Writing offers students the opportunity to develop and improve their technique and individual style in poetry, short story, drama, essays, and other forms of prose. The emphasis of the courses is on writing; however, students may study exemplary representations and authors to obtain a fuller appreciation of the form and craft.

Course Prerequisites

Course Materials / Resources
Resources include YouTube video access, and assorted websites. Students may need to locate some short stories, essays, poems and books through a local library or online purchase. There are links to electronic versions of most of these works in the projects.

National Standards Source
Common Core State Standards

Additional information

Duration / Credit
